Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I didn't forget!

I didn't forget about the blog! I just haven't had much to say lately. Getting ready for my daughter's birthday party this weekend, and I plan to make a bunch of food from Pinterest ideas to celebrate. And since the local WalMart has decided to stop carrying pinatas, a friend has very kindly offered to make one for us! That's a relief to me, because the artistic skills in my family tree didn't get passed on from my mom! So far, that leaves me with the cake and meal to make tomorrow through Friday (not getting started TOO early!) and decorating early Saturday. Very doable!

In other news, I found a bunch of spray bottles in cute and fun colors for $1 each at WalMart! They were in the gardening section, and they will work great for making my own sprayable cleaning supplies! I just need to snag something to print them some labels on so I can get started!

That's all from me today... More soon!

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